I am finding it is not.
Do you have any idea how much laundry you produce a week, sheets and towels and seven sets of clothes! (more than seven sets if you have a drinking problem… you know the type, the type where you occasionally miss your mouth.)
Then there are the other things, like going to the supermarket and cooking and cleaning.
Figure in that the rest of the world commutes more than the three minutes it takes from cabin, up one deck, to office.
I don’t think I actually work that much more than most people. I think it is just more in the office than the supermarket, the laundry room, and the car.
In case you don’t know, I have a steward. This person changes my sheets and towels, cleans my room, takes my laundry and returns it the next day. (cool) This saves me a lot of time.
Then there is the o’mess, or Officer’s Mess. It always has food, and none of which I had to go to the market for or prepare. (cool)
These perks make life much easier. So all things accounted for, I don’t really think I work that much more than most people.
I mention all this because I am amazed at how much laundry a girl can produce!
Anyway, my last entry was on spiders… so here is the spider renting my front yard.
As long as they are not on me, spiders are cool.
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