So without further adu, pictures:
This building’s entry archways are decorated with a cachophony of brilliant color swatches.
This is a sample of the building architecture and color. The street are all irregular stone.
Showing clear Portuguese lineage, the many sidewalks are alternating waves of yellow and black stone, identical to the ones I saw in Lisbon last year.
This picture… just goes under my hysterical moments. This guy, in full native Amazon attire… is walking down a city street talking on his cell phone.
And the whole street without the close up because Mark did not believe it:
And this goes under the heading of artwork from what is at hand. This is a purse and pantsuit made entirely of soda can tabs.
And since you can’t really see it well, here is a close up
Salvador is a vertical city. By that I mean the topography is extreme. Parts are at sea level and parts are well over a hundred feet up. The difference between the two areas is one extreme cliff line. And if your walking, the way you get from one area to the other, is by elevator. This is a picture of the elevator.
This is a picture looking down to the roof tops below over the cliffs edge in another area of town.
And to put Isla Vista to shame… I found the best artwork from stuff at hand shop…
This is a windchime made of shot classes.
Full length ones are available as door drapes.
And lastly, proving I am a girl, I bought an awesome purse. The purse is a tight woven basket weeve.
The end. (in other words... I need zzzs.)
1 comment:
I bet you look great in that pantsuit.
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