Sunday, April 16, 2006


You have heard of Chrismakah, now welcome EastOver. And as all good Jewish girls, I dawned a pair of rabbit ears all day for Easter.

The ears extended my height from maybe 5’2 when wearing heels to, I don’t know, taller. How do you damn tall people walk around!? I got my ears caught on everything!!!!

Being 5’2 is way easier. Just for future reference.

Now here is a quiz:

Ship terms:

(For each term on the left there is at least one correct answer on the right.)
1. Swing
I swing.

2. Escort
I escorted in Rio.

3. Double-Up
You want to double-up next cruise?

4. Shower with a Friend
The Captain has asked us to shower with a friend.

5. Reefer Party
Are you going to the Reefer Party?

6. OooLaLah
Hey OoLaLah!

7. Ship’s Bicycle
She is one of the ship’s bicycles.
a) Water conservation efforts are in place.

b) The name of the Geisha onboard

c) Someone who switches between ships as part of their position.

d) A woman who gets around.

e) Someone who guides guest tours.

f) Share a room on a particularly busy cruise for monetary compensation.

g) A bicycle available for rent at the crew office.

h) Refrigeration Engineers Saturday Night Get-Together

Answers: 1c, 2e, 3f, 4a or f, 5h, 6b, 7d or g.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do find that my ears get in the way almost daily. It's a real trial.

Is there really a geisha on board? Odd.