Sunday, September 19, 2004

Fall Is Here

Well, Fall arrived yesterday.

Friday it was warm and still.

Saturday it was warm… in those seconds between cold gusts of wind.

The light seemed suddenly different, a little more diffuse. (Perhaps partially from all the crap the wind kicked up.)

The wind rustles the leaves, dry leaves. Dry leaves make a different sound than lush green leaves. One sounds like the swish of a skirt on a pretty girl, the other like newspaper being balled up to pack away the belongings of someone who died.

I have light coming in my south facing windows, which I never noticed before, and definitely was not there during the summer. I am sure you are utterly intrigued.

I close windows before I go to bed. (Why hasn’t any one invented windows that automatically close when they hit a set temperature?)

The sun is not up when I get up at 5:30. (I take this to be a personal affront. How dare the sun not get up before me!)

It makes me nostalgic. I expect the nostalgia to last four days, then I am expecting the Indian summer to arrive.

This all sounds hilarious if you know where I live. The forecast for the next ten days:

Monday: Sunny 76
Tuesday: Sunny 76
Wednesday: Sunny 77
Thursday: Sunny 77
Friday: Sunny 76

(According to, not my forecast skills, which are probably equally good. I mean, worst case scenario, I might be off by a degree.)

It doesn’t say there is a 35 mph wind advisory, and that the damn wind is cold! As soon as you get your sweatshirt off cause you are baking in the sun, the wind hits, and you are shivering cold. It would be nice if it were cold or hot, and did not literally change with the wind. (I am such a CA weather snob.)

Oh wait, I said ten day forecast. Well, in all likelihood, just ditto those days for the following week. If you have ever seen the movie L.A. Story, you know how well this prediction works for Steve Martin playing a weatherman.

But I digress.

Fall is here. Just thought I would let you know.

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