Sunday, November 07, 2004

Giving In: Politics

I have been trying to keep politics out of this forum because it is divisive and not really appropriate.

I am giving up.

Bush won the necessary electoral votes. He was elected by the republic. Bush won the popular vote. If the US was a democracy, he still would have won. The people elected him. “The people are morons…” says my Mom.

Anyone who has ever worked in a technical support job would overwhelmingly concur with this statement, politics aside.

So I saw something fascinating today, which is the real reason I write, a bumper sticker that said: “Secede Now.”

I live in California. The memo I got said we were waiting for “The Big One” before we secede. (The Big One is a statistically likely huge earthquake that in some dramatizations results in the physical separation of California from North America, at which point my memo says we will politically secede.) I guess we are moving up the timeline.

I have heard it said that the country is more divided now than during the civil war. (More divided is one of those phrases that has absolutely no meaning. I am going to assume more divided means more equally divided, in contrast to more factions or a more heavily weighted faction amongst the factions, or perhaps more practice in dividing, maybe by repeating forth grade a few times.)

Since America is divided, that makes this the best time to conquer it. I will get right on that.

My favorite comment: It is a good thing Bush won, after all you don’t want to piss off gun-wielding constituency.

Imagine the consequences if gun ownership were a factor. Everyone would have guns. Then it would take only one politically motivated gun exchange in say a Dallas bar to make civil war would be a real possibility.

The irony of it is, it is politics and government. The majority of us think it is fairly useless and ineffective anyway.

I hope that Kerry supports are much more satisfied with Bush’s second four years than with his first.

Stupid: People waiting nine hours to vote.
Stupid: A divided country three years after an event that should have unwaveringly unified us.

Cool: Entertaining bumper stickers and comic comments. (It is not nearly as significant as what is stupid, but you take the cool where you can get it sometimes. And hope for more.)

Cool: Political Halloween Costumes

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