Saturday, February 05, 2005

Some Short Thoughts

Sorry… I have been ridiculously ill. You know you are in trouble when you are chewing the aspirin as readily as the anti-nausea mints.

I mentioned in my last post, the local lesbian with balls enough (bad pun) to put her sexual orientation on her license plate, LESBIAN. What I did not notice before was the little sticker under her plate which says, "Shhhhh, nobody knows I am a lesbian." I thought that was hysterical.

Here are a few random things:

You know you are an adult when you spend Saturday night moving your 403b funds to a traditional IRA.

License Plate: BRMSTCK (broomstick)

More people watch the four-hour super bowl than the one-hour state of the union. What does that say about our culture?

I have the best wall calendar in the world, EXTREME Ironing. (The latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt.)

You know there is a serious problem when it occurs to you that you probably should check the expiration dates on those condoms.

My friends have the funniest chat conversations.

More, better, four-wheel-drive posts to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I didn't really watch the Super Bowl either, but I have a GREAT reason for not watching the State of the Union: talking chimps do not amuse me.