Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Going To Class

For computer professionals:
So my teacher, in my first meeting of Advanced SQL, was doing what every computer teacher always does. She begins by doing a history of computing touching points she feels is relevant to the course.

"First you have the machines like Univac1. Then came the era of mainframes. Mainframes could not be used by the high-level user. They usually just handed off cards. After mainframes came dumb terminals. Do you know what came after dumb terminals?"

A voice from the back says, "Yeah, dumb users."

(I am sure someone could tell the story better. But it was really funny.)

Anyway, as I was leaving class I noticed, on my favorite literary genre, the license plate "LESBIAN."

I think that woman rocks. It takes a lot of courage to flaunt a "lifestyle" that is not widely accepted and is commonly persecuted. It made me want to get the license plate "HETERO" and a license plate holder that says, "And Available."

Strangely, I would not be the first one to do something like this. I have noticed people overtly using their cars as personal ads. I have seen license plates like, "SWMP 4U" and "SWCM +heart." (In case you don't read the personals, this is single white male professional for you and single white Christian male plus heart/love.)

Something like 3% of married couples in Los Angeles met on the freeway. (Might as well do something fun while stuck in traffic.) After learning this, I have realized I do not drive in the right places. In traffic, I am the one between a senior who can't see over the steering wheel and the mother yelling at her kids in the back seat.

It would be funny if the freeways in LA turned into hot dating spots. Everyone with their personals vanity plate, "HOTWF4U," "SWF28CU," "heart4SBF35." Yeah, as if LA traffic is not bad enough.

Makes me want to clean out my car and have it detailed…

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