Sunday, January 23, 2005

Stupid: Cold Lymph Nodes | Cool: 64,000 Words

Stupid: mucus and lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are the lumpy things in your throat when you are sick. The other day we discuss having "a cold." Today we will discuss lymph nodes.

First let's break up the phrase into node and lymph.

Node is a rounded mass of tissue (also a computer or information destination on a computer network)

Lymph is a fluid resembling blood plasma containing the White Blood Cells, a Liverpudlian boy-band. (Shhhhh, don't tell anyone, but lymph is the polite term for puss. Lymph, unlike node, has no computer reference, to my knowledge.)

All the lymph runs through the node and the node pulls out all the germs, placing them in little jail cells where the bad cops (played by the White Blood Cells) show up and eat them.

(This could be horribly wrong. But this is what I understood from my web research.)

(For those of you who do not understand biology, as indicated by several stacked piz-za boxes beside your two computers, I will explain lymph this way. Lymph is a data stream and the nodes are state-full inspection firewalls that drop signature-matching packets, germs. Unfortunately, the Liverpudlian boy band does not match a signature, and therefore hogs your bandwidth. Or something like that.)

And there is the lovely thought of your day, lymph nodes and mucus. (Seems like there should be a country song about it.)

Cool: the concept of getting better (currently still in concept phase), a full moon over a misty night, the noise of frogs brought to life in the rainy season.

Super cool: completion of the first draft of my most recent book. My baby, bo-rn 186 pages, single-spaced, 64,000 words, starts off great but the ending is crap. If you want to read it, let me know. It is a modern thriller.

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