Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The Value of Destination Known - Singapore

I have been a serious world traveler for over a decade and have long been aware that thematic travelers tend to enjoy their travels more than those whose destination is unknown.

There are the more common themes, gastro-tourists, night clubbers and art museum connoisseurs.

But there are also more unusual themes, the guy who played a round of golf in every port (Mark Dugger), the girl who manages to find the farmer's market/street food region of every city (Kathy de la Cruz), the geocacher at every opportunity (Darren). 

I have always envied them their sense of purpose and destination, the intrinsic convenience of knowing where to go without having to think about it.

As I wandered Singapore’s Garden by the Sea, two days after Malaysia’s Penang Botanical Gardens, it dawned on me, after near decades of travels, what my theme is.

I like gardens. 

A realization spawned by one of the most spectacular gardens of the world.

I guess this should not have surprised me. My first vacation, where I chose the destination, was backpacking in Hawaii. Recently, where was I happiest, Malaysia in the rainforest. My job takes me from city to city, which is exciting, but not my natural domain. I am happiest outdoors. Now I know, apparently, that means city gardens.

I left the ship in search of hair gel, stumbling upon the gardens completely by accident. I returned to the ship, enchanted.

Cool: Gardens and discovering my urban touristic theme.
Stupid: Despite perhaps hundreds of acres of beauty, the Singapore Gardens by the Sea has by far the worst postcards I have ever seen.

1 comment:

Katie N. said...

Mine is food and buildings. On my list is the building in the background of your 3rd picture! I think it's the one with the pool on the very edge of the top. Go there for me!