Tuesday, May 31, 2005

On Daily Life...

Strange: The sun rose, in beautiful glory at 5:52 am on Saturday. On Sunday, the sun rose through dreary clouds at 6:39 am.

We did not change time zones, just traveled from one extreme of the time zone to the other, and changed latitudes.

It is very strange to wake up at the same time on consecutive days, one day to day light and the next to darkness, when you are not expecting it.

About ship board life:

I love ship board life. It is like college, but a little more mature. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner with friends and without ever going to the grocery store.

Everything is in walking distance or you are completely out of luck.

Bowls of prophylactics are available every where.

There is always a party somewhere.

Alcohol is everywhere.

You become notorious for some terrible off hand comment.

You get the idea.

Then there are the funky jobs on board: Sanitation Officer (this is not at all what you think it is), Clearance Officer and Laundry Master.

There is this girl aboard, who loves to drink and socialize. She found her perfect job. She is society hostess, where she is paid to drink and socialize. And she does it well.

I am exhausted, but very happy. I spend much of my day laughing. My coworkers are hysterical.

Speaking of coworkers, Andrea is here. (Andrea is the funniest kiwi alive. She makes my sides hurt. Her biggest fear in life is breaking out in chronic cats. This is the manifestation of spinsterhood.)

We are going ashore. Five feet from my window is Cadiz, Spain.


Anonymous said...

Let me know if there's ever an opening for a new laundry master. I've always liked the idea of being a something-master (harbormaster and orchestra master would also be acceptable, but I'm guessing there aren't any of those on the ship).

OTOH, I'm already a webmaster, and it really isn't that exciting.

Anonymous said...

I love Cadiz!!!